The LED of Motors
Reduce HVAC system energy use by 65%
Drop-in replacement, no redesign
Gain savings immediately
The Issue with Electric Motors

Electric motors consume almost half of the world's electricity.
Half of that electricity is wasted.
Energy Usage in Commercial Buildings
Introducing the Smart Motor System
Advanced device physics and intelligence come together in a Smart Motor System that optimizes your HVAC energy usage

The patented high torot pole switched reulctance motor with advanced device physics runs more efficiently and reliably.

The controller helps the variable-speed motor work at optimized efficiency across a broad range of speeds, control customized sequences of operation or application-specific functionality, and protect the system from damage or failure.

​Web and mobile apps make remote monitoring and management of your building systems and equipment easy, with notifications, troubleshooting tools, and the ability to make service requests anytime, anywhere.
Why Use Turntide?
Significantly reduce your energy consumption, costs, and carbon footprint while improving the reliability and performance of your operations.
Highly efficient design.
Highly versatile.
24/7 Runtime monitoring.
Avoid waste & reduce risk.
Reduced failure modes.
Optimized for multispeed.
Hassle-free install.
Proactive insights.
How many EV charging stations can I fit in my parking lot?This will be determined by your property’s infrastructure and available power, among other factors to consider. This is something that is unique to each property.
Are EV charging stations expandable?Absolutely! Most EV charging station setups are expandable with proper planning.
What kind of charger is used for my EV charging station?With custom tailored, non-proprietary solutions, Pacific Light & Energy will help you choose the best EV charging solution for your needs.
Can I update the setup of my EV charging station as the technology evolves?You will never be locked into one particular software or hardware as we offer open protocol equipment that will automatically update to keep up with advancing technology.
How does the billing at my EV charging station work?Using a rate set by building management or ownership, customers will be billed through an app that will then deposit this money directly into a specified account.
Can my EV charging station accept payment from smartphones or credit cards?Yes! All EV charging stations are easily compatible with payment through the app, and most will also be compatible with direct credit card payment.
Is there a pricing template for EV charging?Management will set pricing at their preferred rate.
How does a charge compare to a traditional tank of gas?The operation of an electric vehicle costs less than half of the operation of a traditional gas vehicle.
Is there a built-in ability to discourage vehicles that no longer need a charge from parking in the space?Of course! All EV charging stations include light indicators that will highlight how much their vehicle is charged. On top of this, you can program in a loitering fee that will discourage EV drivers from leaving their fully charged vehicle in the space.
What happens if there is no Wi-Fi or data available in the parking lot?If this is not readily available, a booster may need to be installed in the parking structure.
What if the power goes out?Customers will be warned directly through the app and will not be billed for the inactive time. Once power resumes, the EV charging station will immediately resume operation.